The career services at Arya College are designed to help you make the most of your education and gain the skills you need for employment in your field of study. Whether you’re looking for a job, considering graduate school or just want to explore new possibilities, our staff can help you find the right path.
Arya College offers a range of career services, including career counseling and job placement.
Arya College offers a range of career services, including career counseling and job placement. We can help you with the following:
- Career counseling to help you identify your interests and skills and develop a plan for your future
- Job placement assistance with resume writing, interviewing skills training and more
We also offer full range of job posting resources including online postings, social networking sites and more
Skills Development
At Arya College, we offer a range of career services to help students make the most of their education and gain the skills they need for employment in their field of study. Our goal is to prepare each student with a plan that’s tailored to their interests and goals.
Our career counseling staff can assist you with:
- assessing your strengths, weaknesses and interests so that you can choose an appropriate major or graduate program;
- developing strategies for finding internships and jobs after graduation;
We also provide job postings from employers across the country who are looking for talented individuals like you!
Explore new possibilities
Whether you’re looking for a job, considering graduate school or just want to explore new possibilities, our staff can help you find the right path.
Our career services department offers a wide range of resources for students and alumni. We provide information about internships, job postings and events; assist with résumé writing and interviewing skills; connect you with employers through networking events; offer workshops on topics like networking etiquette or how to write effective cover letters; offer guidance on how to navigate today’s competitive job market (especially if your degree isn’t related directly with what you want); provide advice on resumes/applications/cover letters etcetera).
Our Career Services Include:
Our career services include:
- Career counseling
- Job search assistance
- Resume writing workshops
- Mock interviews and online postings that allow you to practice your interview skills with a professional coach. You can also use our online tools to create a customized resume, cover letter and thank you note in just minutes!
For those students who are interested in pursuing an internship or full-time job after graduation, we offer the opportunity to participate in paid internships with local businesses. These positions provide real world work experience while allowing students to earn money towards their tuition bills!
Graduation Planning assistance (career counseling)
Another benefit of attending Arya College is the career counseling services we provide to students. Career counselors can help you with any aspect of your job search, including resume writing and interview preparation. These professionals will also assist you with graduate school applications if that’s something you’re interested in pursuing after graduation. The best part? All of these services are free!
If you’re looking to make an impact on the world around you through a career path that aligns with your interests and passions, then consider attending Arya College today!
Assessment Tools for Career
Arya College offers a full range of career assessment tools, including aptitude tests and occupational interest inventory assessments. These are used to help students understand their strengths and weaknesses in relation to potential career paths. For example, if you take an aptitude test that shows you have strong verbal skills but poor math skills, it’s likely that becoming an accountant would not be the best choice for your future.
Job search assistance, including resume writing workshops, mock interviews and more. Arya College has a number of resources to help you with your job search, including:
- Job search assistance, including resume writing workshops and mock interviews.
- The Career Center website with information on careers in health care, job search strategies and more.
- Counselors who can provide career guidance in areas such as choosing a major or finding internships or volunteer opportunities that match your interests and skill sets.
Placement Drive
Arya College offers a wide range of job posting resources including online postings, social networking sites and more. Our Career Services Department is dedicated to helping students find part-time or full-time employment that is both meaningful and rewarding. We believe that the best way for students to learn about their career options is by gaining firsthand experience in an industry setting. This approach allows them to gain skills related to their interests while also providing practical knowledge about what it takes to succeed in today’s competitive workplace environment.
In addition to helping our students secure summer internships with local companies, Arya College offers the highest placement and several other job posting resources:
If you’re looking to make a career change or just want some help finding a job, Arya College can help. Our staff of career counsellors will work with you to explore new options and develop the skills needed for success in today’s competitive job market.