





Theoretical approach V/S Practical approach towards graduation



Theoretical approach V/S Practical approach towards graduation

.The theoretical and practical approach is an important factor in any education to enhance students' skills toward education.
Theoretical approach V/S Practical approach towards graduation

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Theoretical approach V/S Practical Approach Towards Graduation

Education is the foundation for a prosperous future and a happy existence. Education’s main objective is to replace an independent mind with an active and interested one. Education is essential because it allows everyone to develop new skills and gain information. It is also the only way to raise responsible people who can absorb valuable teachings and pass them on to others, yet what form of education to pursue remains. We have the theory, and on the other, we have to practice. Which of these two is more valuable and important to a student?

Socrates correctly stated, “To know is to know that you know nothing. That is the definition of true knowledge.” Learning is a broad concept that encompasses a variety of approaches to information acquisition. Both practical and theoretical knowledge are critical stages of learning. Therefore, a perfect blend of theoretical and practical methods for holistic learning is required.

Theoretical Education

Theoretical learning is the study of facts about any topic or issue. It could serve as the foundation for application-based themes, subjects, and issues in practical education. Theoretical knowledge is acquired through reading textbooks and memorization. This learning style allows you to understand the philosophy behind any issue while also explaining why you should follow that notion. 

Theorising about a subject allows you to comprehend the logic behind executing or not performing that subject’s practicality. It allows one to fully comprehend a subject before diving into the practical aspects of that subject. Theoretical knowledge focuses on the “why” rather than the “how” of a problem.

Theoretical learning entails learning everything from literature. It enables the child to comprehend why one strategy is more effective than the other. We learn from books because of the experiences of others. It gives a better knowledge of the notion and explains why it exists.

Importance of Theoretical Education:

The value of theoretical knowledge is that it allows you to grasp the concepts behind the procedures, allowing you to distinguish between why one strategy succeeds, and another fails.

  • Since theory teaches you from the broader experiences of others, theoretical knowledge makes it easier to apply things practically.
  • Learning the outs and ins of your field or specialty is also beneficial.
  • Theoretical knowledge also aids in the formulation of solutions to real-world situations.

Tips for gaining or improving theoretical knowledge

If you don’t have time to read, “view videos” that explain theories in your subjects of interest. There are numerous YouTube channels available and free online course platforms. Here are a few websites where you can find courses:

  • edx 
  • Khan Academy 
  • Coursera

This pointer below will assist you in gaining theoretical as well as practical understanding.

Internships: These provide a venue for putting theory into practice.

Attending workshops: Most workshops demonstrate theory by putting it into practice.

Benefits of Theoretical Education

  • It addresses the motivation for learning or grappling with any subject, theoretical education is unparalleled in its ability to help you comprehend and retain information. 
  • In addition, it allows you to come to grips with the reasons behind your decision to study that particular subject.
  • It allows you to take charge of your education since theoretical education allows you to learn as much as you want without being bound. 
  • It also aids in passing exams, as most exam evaluations are based on theory in the educational system. 

The yearly, quarterly, and even semester examination systems in India are normally 70 percent theory and 30 percent practical.

Practical Learning

Applying what is learned in the theoretical component of any subject is known as practical education. It focuses on the “how” rather than the “why” of any situation. It is a form or aspect of education that allows you to grasp better what you learn in textbooks or elsewhere. It allows you to obtain information not through learning or reading books but through experience gained while performing the practical aspects of your work. It enhances your knowledge by adding competence and efficiency and the assurance that comes from having personally experienced what you’ve read about in your books.

Importance of Practical Approach

  • Practical knowledge aids us in acquiring the precise procedures that will become our tools of the trade. 
  • It is far more relevant to our daily activities. To thrive in today’s competitive environment, practical knowledge and implementation skills are required. 
  • It is critical to comprehend how things function. 
  • It is a method for gaining a better knowledge of things by action and personal experience. It is useful in illustrating the actual working and handling methods. 
  • Practical knowledge, particularly in professional education, aids in the thorough understanding of concepts and the origin and significance of the information obtained through theoretical knowledge.

The growth of proficiency and ability and skill are the two main goals of practical education. The educational system builds competency and comprehension by focusing on both of these areas of Practical Education. Practical experience and practical implementation are required for skill and ability enhancement.

Practical education allows students to supplement their theoretical knowledge with practical experience. The acquisition of theoretical knowledge aids in recognizing what one already knows, what one needs to learn more about, and what one should do to achieve their objectives. Practical education refers to the ability of a person to use what they currently know in their daily lives.

Individuals acquire and expand their skills, abilities, and knowledge through practical education to solve practical challenges in their private and professional relationships. Its goal is to build problem-solving skills in an organised manner. Practical education teaches students to think critically, examine problems, and devise effective solutions. Students will be able to acquire new ideas and gain a deeper comprehension of numerous concepts through practicing problem-solving and practical education regularly.

A practical system of education complements academic instruction. Teachers place a strong emphasis on their lessons’ theoretical and practical implementation. Hands-on exercises and real-life experiences are used to assist students in putting what they’ve learned in lectures into practice. Teachers are also willing to try new teaching techniques such as discussion forums, group activities, and one-on-one coaching. These activities are designed to improve students’ conceptual understanding, refine their practical application abilities, and instill discipline.

Benefits of Practical Education

  • Practical education is a fantastic method to make connections and contacts in your field of expertise. 
  • Practical education aids you in learning even those subjects that you find difficult or irritating when studying them theoretically. Because of this, practical education is also known as feasible education. 
  • The way actual life works has a lot to do with the essence of practical knowledge. 
  • It assists you by preparing you for the different problems that life may throw at you. 
  • It also infuses one’s life with the flavours of practicality and bestows on them the trait of decisiveness.

Seeing the importance of both practical and theoretical education- here at Arya College Main Campus, the future youth of the country are taught with a curriculum that focuses on both. 

Apart from an excellent staff (with degrees from renowned colleges), Arya College Main Campus has well-built, student-friendly, and instrument-efficient labs where students can focus on practical work. 

The curriculum emphasises practical knowledge more than theoretical learning for obvious reasons. 

When going into the future and ensuring that they make something of themselves, Arya College Main Campus builds their students to focus on any field and practical task hurdle they may face in their work life. 

Theoretical and practical experiences are complementary, and each has its value. To master a field, both theoretical parts and practical abilities are required. The mind is guided by theoretical learning, guiding our bodies to turn academic concepts into practical performance. Theoretical knowledge is useful, but it is useless if not put into practice. As a result, applying theoretical knowledge in practice; otherwise, theoretical information is useless. As a result, gaining theoretical and practical knowledge is essential for a successful learning experience.

The Education Situation in India

India is a nation that places a greater emphasis on theoretical education. We are not disputing the importance of academic knowledge; rather, we emphasise the importance of combining it with practical experience. This will improve the pupils’ comprehension and instil in them a sense of what life is all about. This will strengthen the Indian education system’s foundation. Indian professionals will benefit from practical instruction as well.

If education is a product, combining theoretical and practical instruction will act as if someone is creating a brand for that product to market more effectively.

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Mohan Sharma

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