





What are Aicte Norms for Assistant Professors?



What are Aicte Norms for Assistant Professors?

Wondering What are Aicte Norms for Assistant Professors? Then read the full blog for all the detailed information to clear your doubts.
What are Aicte Norms for Assistant Professors?

Table of Contents

What Are Aicte Norms for Assistant Professors?

What is it about college that distinguishes it from other educational opportunities?

The college experience—the one you fantasise about while sifting through countless applications and calculating exam dates—isn’t solely based on the prospect of being immersed in a novel setting. It isn’t even solely based on a university curriculum’s structure. So yes, even though it is vastly different from what you may have experienced in high school, much more influences your overall collegiate experience.

After identifying the importance of having good professors, there are some AICTE norms for assistant professor;

Students are the country’s future, and seeing how important their quality of education is, professors who are inspiring, well-spoken, and well-rehearsed in their field of study are hired. 

This is often noticed in good government and private educational institutions such as:

  • Indian Institute of Technology 
  • National Institute of Technology
  • Arya College Main Campus
  • Vellore Institute of Technology
  • SRM Institute of Technology
  • BMS Institute of Technology
  • Pune College of Engineering 
  • BMS Institute of Technology
  • Manipal Institute of Technology 

Now, on to further discussing the criteria listed by the AICTE:

New Delhi’s All India Council for Technical Education has issued a notification.

  • There will be only three designations for teachers in universities and colleges: Assistant Professors, Associate Professors, and Professors. No one may be appointed, promoted, or designated as Professor unless they hold a Ph.D. and meet other academic requirements as set forth by the AICTE from time to time.
  • Those who have already been assigned the title of ‘Professor’ will not be affected.
  • In a UG college, the ratio of professors to associate professors to assistant professors should be 1:2:6 or higher.
  • In a PG college, the ratio of professors to associate professors and or assistant professors must be at least 1:2.

Qualifications Required to be an Assistant Professor:

Engineering and Technology

BE/B.Tech and M.Tech/ME in relevant branches with 1st class or equivalent in BE/B.Tech and ME/M.Tech.

B. Architecture 

BE/B.Tech and M.Tech/MEin relevant branch with 1st class or equivalent in BE/B.Tech and ME/M.Tech.

Town Planning

Bachelor’s and master’s degrees in town planning with a first-class or equivalent grade in either the bachelor’s or master’s degree.


Bachelor’s and master’s degrees in pharmacy with a first-class or equivalent grade in either the bachelor’s or master’s degree.


BTech/BE and M. Tech/ME in relevant branch with First Class or equivalent in either BE/BTech or MTech?ME Or BE/BTech and MCA with First Class or equivalent in either BE/BTech or MCA OR MCA with first class or equivalent with two years relevant experience OR MCA with first class or equivalent with two years relevant experience.

H3 – MBA

It is preferable to have a first-class or equivalent master’s degree in business administration or two years of relevant experience.

PAY Scale of an Assistant Professor

Pay Band-3 AGP Rs.8000/-

  • Doctoral/Ph.D. degree in relevant or concerned discipline is required.
  • Three years of experience after receiving a Ph.D. OR six years of total teaching/research experience.
  • Doctoral/Ph.D. degree in relevant or concerned discipline is required.
  • Three years of experience after receiving a Ph.D. OR six years of total teaching/research experience.

Pay Band-3 AGP Rs.7000/- (On contract)

  • Doctoral/Ph.D. degree in a relevant or relevant subject.
  • Experience: 1 year of postdoctoral teaching and research experience.
  • The total number of essential credit points is ten.

Pay band-3 AGP Rs.6000/- (On contract)

  • Educational Qualification: Doctoral/Ph.D degree in relevant or concerned discipline.
  • Experience: No experience is required.
  • No essential credit points are given.

1. concerned/relevant/allied subject with 55 percent marks (or an equivalent grade on a point-scale wherever the grading system is used) from an Indian university, or an equivalent degree from an accredited foreign university.

2. In addition to meeting the requirements as mentioned above, the candidate must have passed the NET or more commonly known as the National Eligibility Test administered by the University Grants Commission or the CSIR, or any similar test suggested by the UGC, such as SET/SLET, or who are or have been given a Ph. D. degree per (Minimum Standards and Procedure for Award of M.Phil./Ph.D. Degree) the University Grants Commission ) Regulations.

Candidates registered for the Ph.D. program before July 11, 2009, shall be governed by the provisions of the then-current Bye-laws/Ordinances/ Regulations of the Institution giving the degree, and these Ph.D. candidates shall be exempted from the requirement often SLET/NET/SET to be recruited as Assistant Professors in Colleges, Universities and other higher studies Institutions provided that the following conditions are met: –

a) The candidate’s Ph.D. degree has been awarded in a regular mode.

b) At least two external examiners have evaluated the candidate’s Ph.D. paper of thesis.

c) The candidate has an open Ph.D. viva-voce) The candidate has published and written two research papers from his or her Ph.D. work, at least one of which is in a refereed journal.

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Mohan Sharma

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