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Best Electrical Engineering College in India
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About the Electrical Engineering Department
Electricity is the basic form of energy that runs our world, It is also a decisive prerequisite for rapid development of industry and agriculture. Electrical Engineering is a fascinating and rewarding field of study with many opportunities to solve key engineering problems.
The Arya College Jaipur, inculcates in the students skills to understand, apply and analyze the underlying electrical principles through comprehensive curriculum of Electrical Machines, Electrical and Electronic Network Theories, Control and Power Systems etc.
The department has well qualified & experienced faculty. It nurtures the students so as to perform at high academic level.. State of the art laboratories provide hands-on training to the students of Electrical Engineering. Special classes are also arranged for good understanding of the complex subjects. Classroom teaching is supported by video lectures and PPTs. The Department of Electrical Engineering has an advisory council from amongst the teaching members, which meets at least once in a semester to review and evaluate performance of the department and offer advice in needed areas. Arya college is one of theBest Electrical Engineering colleges in Jaipur, India.

Departmental Goals of Arya Electrical Engineering Colleges in Jaipur
- To establish centers of excellence in various fields of Computer Science.
- To encourage faculty members to take-up R&D and consultancy projects in the area of Computer Science and Engineering.
- To train faculty members in the advanced domains of Computer Science.
- To prepare students for successful careers and lifelong learning in computer science and engineering with strong professional ethics and behaviour.
- To ensure effective teaching and learning process and quality research.
- To encourage innovations, product design and new technologies.
Message By HOD:
Electrical Power There is growing demand of Electrical Engineers in the Government and private sectors., The Department is making best efforts to produce highly trained and capable engineers who can take up the challenges of the real world. Today the technology is changing at much faster pace as ever before. Department of electrical engineering has well equipped laboratories to provide good knowledge of the subject by performing practical experiments. The department comprises of best of faculty from industries and academia to help bridge the gap and groom the best talent for the industries. ACERC is Ragging Free Campus. Number of Anti ragging measures are in place to ensure strict compliance.
Department of Electrical Engineering
To promote specialized knowledge in the field of electrical engineering along with interdisciplinary awareness and to develop a framework to support the communicative and ethical needs of industry and society at global level.
To impart quality education in the field of electrical engineering and to facilitate and develop students for their superior employability, to pursue research and higher studies.

Department Specializations:
1. Focus Area:
- Generation, Transmission & Distribution
- Electrical Machine Design
- Power System Engineering
- Power Electronics
- Switch Gear & Protection
- Control System Engineering
- Circuit Theory & Analysis
2. Digital Notes:
The Department has digital notes with videos as well as hard copy Notes on all the subjects relevant to RTU syllabus. These notes have been prepared by highly experienced faculty. The Digital notes can be found on aryanotes.com
3. Student Development (SDC) and Campus Recruitment Training (CRT)s:
SDC is a group of professionals that provides regular inputs for complete development of students and making them prepare to face competitions and future challenges.
No. of Seats:
120(Electrical Engineering)
Industrial Collaboration:
- Sunwaves Infrapower
RTU Syllabus:
As per the Rajasthan Technical University norms we offer a Four Year (Eight Semesters) B.Tech Course.
The department has successfully completed projects on:
- Solar Street Light.
- Solar Power Plant (1.5 kW)
- Wind Power Plant (1 kW)
- Solar Hybrid Car
- Prepaid energy Meter
- Solar Grass Cutter
Students of this department have been able to secure campus placements in many reputed companies at lucrative packages. A few are following:
Industrial Tours & Trainings:
Internships and trainings in VI semesters are mandatory of 60 days.
- Solar Roof top plant
- Heerapura Substation.
- Rajasthan Electrical and Electronics Ltd.
Impressive Results:
Faculties take extra care of the students in the knowledge delivery process throughout the course period. These dedicated and concentrated efforts have culminated in obtaining 100 % results in the final year. During the last three years, this department of has successfully achieved 100% results.
Conference/seminar and workshops:
Arya Group has been a host and venue for various national and international conferences/ seminars and workshops including the following
- International conference (ARIET-14)
State of the Art Labs:
The department has following well equipped laboratories which not only fulfill requirement of RTU curriculum but also provide ample opportunities to the students to carry out their project and seminar assignments as well as to undertake any research work:
Basic Electrical Lab
Power Electronics Lab
Advance Power Electronics lab
High Voltage Lab
Electrical Machine Lab
Electrical Drives and their Control Lab.
Electrical Measurement Lab
Power System Lab
Smart Grid Lab
Digital Electronics Lab
Microprocessor Lab
Electronics devices and Circuit Lab
MAT Lab for Control Systems and PLC Circuits

High Voltage Lab

Power Electronics Lab

Electrical Drives and their Control Lab

Basic Electrical Lab

Microprocessor Lab

MAT Lab for Control Systems and PLC Circuits

Electronics devices and Circuit Lab

Advance Power Electronics lab

Digital Electronics Lab
The study and use of electricity fields are the focus of the technical discipline known as electrical engineering.
Electrical engineers have a wide range of career objectives, it power technology, facilitate communication, and advance several sectors, all of which have a significant impact on the current world.
The course duration of Electrical Engineering is 4 years, within 4 years with 8 semesters you will complete the Electrical Engineering degree.
The Focus Area of Electrical Engineering are following:
- Generation, Transmission & Distribution
- Electrical Machine Design
- Power System Engineering
- Power Electronics
- Switch Gear & Protection
- Control System Engineering
- Circuit Theory & Analysis
Yes, Electrical engineers are still in high demand and continue to be essential members of many companies.