

Best M.Pharma Colleges in Jaipur, India

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Master of Pharmacy (M Pharma) in India by the best m pharm colleges in india is offered as post graduate (graduate) course after completion of B Pharma degree. The M Pharma course is normally of two years duration.In some universities it is one-year research and one year theory examination, while some offers M Pharm by research completely leading to doctorate degree. Arya College the m pharma colleges in india course focuses on specialisation in the field of pharmacy.

The M Pharm courses are offered by the best M Pharm colleges in Jaipur, India are affiliated to uniee leading to entry into the pharmacy profession. The first year involves theoretical and practical sessions in the following areas: dosage form design; advanced pharmaceutical methods of analysis; drug regulatory affairs; biopharmaceutics and pharmacokinetics; dosage form technology; advances in industrial pharmacy; and novel drug delivery systems.The second-year projects touch upon formulation development, stability studies, and process validation for traditional and novel drug delivery systems.

The Program lead to Specialization in formulation development, manufacturing technology and process development areas, which are essential specialization for manufacturing of traditional and novel drug delivery system.

Colleges imparting pharmaceutical education (D.Pharm, B.Pharm, M.Pharm or Pharm D) must be approved by All Indian Council of Technical Education (AICTE) or Pharmacy Council Of India (PCI).

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