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ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT CELL (EDC) in Arya College has been established to Develop Institutional Mechanism to create An Entrepreneurial Culture with Academics, so as to foster Techno-entrepreneurship to generate Wealth and Employment by Aspiring Young Entrepreneurs, and Also to foster the growth of innovation and entrepreneurship amongst the faculty alongwith the Students.

The EDC cell has requisite Expertise and Infrastructure. The motive behind the development of this Cell is to take the initiative that Aims at Fostering the Spirit of Entrepreneurship in the College. The Aim of the Cell is to help the youth break-free from the shackles of mediocrity, move out of the acres for job security and step out of line and away from what has today became a rat – race. We tend to awaken the youth towards considering Entrepreneurship as a serious career option.

ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT CELL (EDC) of Arya Group of College was established by its own initiative in the year 2014 with, The Principal – Dr.Bansal & Director – Dr.Surendra Sharma and Since Then , The TPO and has been actively conducting programs in Entrepreneurship with concerned initiatives to promote entrepreneurship among the students.

The main objectives of EDC are:

To Organize and Facilitate Entrepreneurship Awareness Camps, Entrepreneurship Development Programmes, Faculty Development Programmes and Skill Development Programmes in the Institution. For the same, Arya has tied up with NEN-Bangalore for following purposes –

  • To initiate five Innovative Projects made by Student each year, for New Innovative Product Development and to make them a part of the “Bhamashah Techno Hub” started by Govt. of Rajasthan for Young Entrepreneurs.
  • To Organize a Competition on “Innovative Business Plans” every year, through Presentation.
  • To Guide and Assist the prospective Entrepreneurs on various Aspects, such as Preparing Project Reports, Angel Funding for obtaining Project Approvals, Loans and Facilities from Agencies of support System, Information on Latest Technologies, etc.
  • To Arrange interactions with Entrepreneurs and Create A Mentorship Scheme for Student Entrepreneurs by Inviting Guests from The Respective Industry.
  • To Facilitate the Creation of Entrepreneur’s Club in Arya College, to Foster a Culture of Entrepreneurship amongst Students.
  • To Act as a Regional Information Centre on Business Opportunities, Processes, Technologies, Market, etc., by creating and maintaining the relevant database.

Functions of EDC at Arya

  • To conduct Research work and Survey for identifying Entrepreneurial opportunities.
  • To Guide and Assist prospective Entrepreneurs on Various Aspects such as Preparing Project Reports, Obtaining Project Approvals, Loans and Facilities from Agencies of Support Systems and Information on various Technologies.
  • To Organize Guest Lectures, TV & Radio Talks, Seminars, etc. for Promotion and Growth of S&T based and execution of their Projects Entrepreneurship.
  • To Organize Entrepreneurship Awareness Camps, Entrepreneurship Development Programmes and Faculty Development Programmes through NEN and MSME in the region, for the benefit of participating Students and Entrepreneurs at Arya College Jaipur .
  • To Develop and Introduce Curriculum on Entrepreneurship Development at various levels including Degree/Diploma Courses of the Parent Institution and Other Institutes in the region.

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