

Auditorium Facilities

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The Auditorium is the venue for various academic & cultural events. It is a acoustically designed with a seating capacity of 500 persons with an excellent communication network that provides the desired connectivity between Speaker and the audience. The fully air – cooled room is fitted with best lighting & sound facility with video display systems that provide comfortable atmosphere to help make an excellent presentation.

Its main features include a high-tech sound system, lavish seating arrangement, high quality mikes, vast screen, and the LCD projector. Apart from hosting all college functions it is used for conducting Placement Drives, Pre Placement Talks, Workshops, Seminars, Conferences, cultural festivals, Prize and Incentives Distribution Ceremonies, etc.

Arya College Hostellers take a frequent advantage to enjoy Cricket and Movie Mania on weekends on the big screen and enjoy DJ music on the fabulous stage.

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