





Challenges of Being an Engineering StudentĀ 

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Challenges of Being an Engineering StudentĀ 

Everyone has their own adventure and journey as a student in a distinct area, despite the fact that engineering offers specialties in many different field.
Challenges of Being an Engineering Student

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Challenges of Being an Engineering Student

College is undoubtedly one of the most enjoyable periods of oneā€™s life. But, of course, everyone has their own set of adventures. Students also make a lot of pleasant memories that they will remember for the rest of their lives. Unfortunately, however, neither the path nor the college experience is a bed of roses.

Every student faces numerous challenges during their college years. At some point in their lives, everyone encounters some of these issues. Engineering students encounter additional challenges because there are numerous activities in college in addition to their coursework. Putting up with everything at the same time can be challenging at times. As a result, you must prepare yourself ahead of time to deal with these issues tactfully.

In this blog post ofĀ Arya College Main Campus, let us learn more about this.

Here are some of the challenges of being an engineering student and how to effectively deal with them!

Also Read ā€“Ā The Challenges before Indian Engineering Education

Expense Management

An engineering university student has a lot of expenses. First, the tuition fees are extremely exorbitant, and you must pay them at the start of each semester. Then there are the accommodation costs and the books and other materials needed for the practical. Some even pay for expensive private tuition for subjects they find challenging.

These costs add up to a significant amount, which many students find extremely difficult to manage. Youā€™re also under a lot of academic strain, which will prohibit you from working part-time.


There is indeed a solution to every problem. So there are some remedies to this significant problem. First, you may always rely on college loans for assistance. These loans are simple and do not have many terms and limitations. The interest rate is also low.

One of the major benefits of this loan is that you have a long time to repay it. Therefore, you have a good time finishing your degree and finding work before beginning to repay the loan.

Time Management

Time management is a significant difficulty for an engineering student. Throughout the year, college students participate in a wide range of activities. And you must take part in them, or you will fall behind. Each of these activities has its own set of benefits.

There is also a lot of academic stress. The syllabus is extensive, with numerous assignments. Internal exams, presentations, and vivas are scheduled at regular intervals. In addition, there are semester final exams every six months, which require you to master a large syllabus.


The first step you should do is to relax. You should be aware of your limitations and, as a result, arrange your actions accordingly. There is no need to participate actively in every extracurricular activity offered at the institution. Instead, join those that you can manage in addition to your education.

Make a daily schedule in advance. You can better manage your time for study and other things this way. You should also get some rest to clear your mind. This will assist you in better memorising your lectures. Above all, avoid engaging in pointless activities with your pals and spend less time on your phone.

Unhealthy Situations

The human body is prone to a variety of illnesses. For example, when you are away from home, you will almost certainly not receive your meals on time and will not receive the same amount of relaxation as you would at home. Thereā€™s also no assurance that proper hygiene is followed when food is prepared. You might not like the water as well. All of this can lead to a variety of health problems.

You may also experience stress. Sleep deprivation can also contribute to health problems. You can get the sickness that your roommate has. Infectious diseases can easily spread when people live in the same room and share goods.


The most important thing is to look after yourself. You should eat healthy foods regularly. You should get enough rest and sleep well. Keep some medications on hand to treat common ailments such as fever, stomach trouble, headache, muscle cramps, and urinary infection. Keep your room tidy since germs are killed by cleanliness. Drink only pure water.

If you are feeling ill at any moment, you should go to the campus clinic. Doctors are available to provide first assistance. However, contact the college administration for assistance if there is a major problem. It would be best if you also asked for your friendā€™s assistance and, in turn, assisted them. Because they are your immediate family, they can provide you with the best assistance. Do not be afraid to ask for assistance; you will not be able to handle it if you are sick. If youā€™re feeling very ill, talk to your parents and ask them to drive you home. At home, you will undoubtedly receive the best care.

Feeling Homesick

Most engineering students must leave their homes to complete their college education and stay in hostels. Whether you admit it or not, you do occasionally miss your home. Many students miss their families back home. They long for their family and the comforts of their home. For many students, the university is their first time living independently. As a result, the sensation takes a long time to settle in.Ā 

Some students live outside of the state, and even overseas students cannot return home for nearly a year. They are frequently confronted with this issue. When they witness other students frequently visiting their homes, it makes it much more difficult for them to cope.

Homesickness can have a significant impact on your academic performance. You may find it hard to focus on your academics because thoughts of your loved ones keep resurfacing in your mind.


There is no practical remedy to this dilemma other than to cope with the situation. You canā€™t just quit college and go home, so the least you can do is psychologically prepare yourself so that itā€™s easier when the circumstance arises.

Make a monthly visit to your home if you are not too far away. Every day, make a point of calling your parents and siblings. This will make you feel better. You can also video call them, which allows you to view them directly and reduces the time you miss them. You will sense a strong bond with them. Also, request that they call you frequently. You will feel safe and secure knowing that they are caring about you.

You should also make friends on campus because your college will be your first home for the next few years until you graduate, and your buddies will be your immediate family. Making strong friendship bonds at college will help you avoid missing home. When youā€™re feeling down, youā€™ll have somebody to lean on. You should look after them as well. This symbiotic relationship will assist you in finishing college without even noticing you are away from home.

Deciding the Future

One of the most difficult decisions facing engineering students is pursuing further education or preparing for employment following graduation. Making a decision can be extremely stressful. In addition, youā€™ll notice that your various buddies have varied plans, further perplexing you.


Higher education and employment both have their potential. However, it would be best if you made an informed decision. You should first determine your capabilities and financial strength before making a decision. You should not simply accept your friendā€™s decision without questioning it. If you want the best advice, talk to your professors and parents.

You may need to obtain a solid career to support yourself and your family due to financial circumstances. You can pursue further education if you are comfortable financially because these courses are somewhat costly. Remember that your education will not guarantee you a decent career, but your skills will.

Mental Health Issues

This is a frequent issue that most engineering students encounter. Many students become depressed due to the pressures of academics and other activities and their inability to cope with them. Exam failure is one of the most common causes of depression.

In the life of an engineering student, stress is always high. First, assignments are due throughout the month. Then there are the presentations, which must be flawless. Then there are the internal exams, which occur regularly. These factors combine to make it impossible for a student to be at ease, and depression gradually sets in.


If your illness worsens and you donā€™t feel like doing anything, you should seek advice from a professional. You might seek the assistance of a counsellor who can assist you in relaxing and releasing your stress. You can also seek counselling from a mental health professional to assist you in overcoming your depression.

Yoga and dance movement therapy are two other options that you can attempt independently. Yoga can be highly beneficial if done first thing in the morning. Dance movement therapy can also aid in connecting with oneā€™s inner self. Anti-depression medications should not be taken because they are damaging to your health.

So, if you want to pursue anĀ engineering graduate degree, these are some of the most prevalent issues you may encounter during your college years. So prepare yourself ahead of time so you can deal with them.

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Jessica Kaur

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