





Debunking Common Technology Myths with Arya College



Debunking Common Technology Myths with Arya College

You’ve probably heard some of these myths before, and they might even have been passed on to you by a well-meaning friend or relative. The truth is out there! Learn the truth about technology myths with Arya College and get knowledge with this handy guide. Myth: All electronic devices have a battery indicator. The myth that all […]

Debunking Common Technology Myths with Arya College

Table of Contents

You’ve probably heard some of these myths before, and they might even have been passed on to you by a well-meaning friend or relative. The truth is out there! Learn the truth about technology myths with Arya College and get knowledge with this handy guide.

Myth: All electronic devices have a battery indicator.

The myth that all electronic devices have a battery indicator is false. Some devices, like laptops and smartphones, do have a battery indicator that shows how much charge is left in your device. However, other types of electronics don’t come with this feature–such as cameras and gaming consoles. In addition to this being a common misconception about technology in general, there are also some devices that have an inaccurate battery indicator or one that doesn’t work properly at all!

To determine if your device has some sort of power meter (either digital or analog), simply take it out from its case and look for any lights on the backside near where your charger plugs in. If there aren’t any lights visible when comparing them against other similar products’ indicators then either yours doesn’t work properly yet or perhaps never did.

Myth: Private browsing means complete anonymity

You can still be tracked, hacked, and monitored even when you’re in private mode on your phone or computer. Private mode does not encrypt your data so it’s still vulnerable to being hacked by cybercriminals who want to steal your information or sell it on the dark web for profit. It also doesn’t stop governments from monitoring what websites you visit and recording this information in databases that could potentially be accessed later on down the line by law enforcement agencies looking into criminal activity (or even just routine investigations).

Myth: Incognito mode makes you untraceable online

The myth that Incognito mode makes you untraceable online is one of the most common misconceptions about internet privacy. While it is true that Incognito mode does prevent your browser from saving a history of your sites and searches, this information is still stored in other places on your computer or device.

If you use a shared device, such as at work or school (and even if you don’t), any browsing history data that was collected while using the machine will continue to be saved in its memory until someone deletes it manually. This means that any personal information entered into forms on websites could potentially be available for others who later use this same device without your knowledge!

Another important thing to remember when using Incognito mode: search engines can still track what pages are visited through their own tracking methods, even if Chrome doesn’t record them! So even though Chrome won’t keep track of where you’ve been online anymore–and won’t save cookies either–Google still knows everything else about where those cookies took place…

Myth: More cores mean better performance in a processor

A processor with more cores will not necessarily perform better than a processor with fewer cores. The number of cores is only one factor in determining performance, and it’s not even the most important one.

For example, Intel’s Core i7-7700K has four physical cores but can boost up to 4.5GHz on two of them; AMD’s Ryzen 5 1400 also has four physical cores but boosts up to 3.2GHz (and sometimes even higher). In this case, Intel’s CPU offers higher peak clock speeds while AMD’s chip offers better per-core performance–but both offer comparable overall performance because they have similar core counts and clock speeds under load.

It’s important to keep in mind that having more than one processing thread isn’t always necessary or useful; if your workload doesn’t need multiple threads at once (or ever), then additional threads won’t help your computer run faster–they’ll just increase power consumption without contributing anything useful whatsoever!

Myth: Macs don’t get viruses

Truth: While it’s true that Macs are less likely to be infected with malware than Windows, they’re not immune to viruses and other forms of malware. In fact, you can still get a virus if you download an infected app or open an email attachment with malicious code in it–just like on any other operating system!

Myth: Macs are more secure than Windows computers because they use Apple’s proprietary operating system instead of Microsoft’s Windows OS (which is used by most PCs).

Truth: While there are many things about Apple products that make them more secure than PCs–such as the fact that Apple restricts what developers can do when developing apps for its devices–they’re not completely invulnerable either; no computer system can ever be 100% safe from hackers or viruses unless it has no internet connection at all!

Myth: Closing background apps can improve battery life

Fact: Closing background apps doesn’t save battery life. The only way to save your phone’s battery is by reducing screen brightness and turning off vibrate mode, which will also make your phone quieter in general. The multitasking feature on Apple products allows users to close the app they’re using through a swipe-up gesture or using the home button twice (the first tap brings up the multitasking menu).

Myth: Charging your phone overnight can damage the battery

Reality: While it is true that charging your phone overnight can be harmful to the battery, there are a few things you can do to prevent this from happening. First, charge your phone once it is charged to about 80%. This will help reduce wear on the internal components of your device and extend its life span. Next, try using power saving mode when charging so your device only uses as much energy as necessary. Finally, if possible try not using wireless charging or fast-charging options since these methods use more power than standard ones!

Myth: Wireless is safer than wired.

You may have heard that wireless is safer than wired, but this isn’t true. Wireless technology can be just as dangerous as any other form of technology. There are many dangers associated with wireless, including:

  • The risk of exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) from cell phones and other devices, which can cause health problems such as brain cancer, dementia, and Alzheimer’s disease
  • Unsecured networks that allow hackers access to your personal information
  • Hackers using viruses or malware on public Wi-Fi hotspots

Myth: The Internet is a reliable source of information

The internet is not a reliable source of information. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Don’t believe everything you read on the internet–especially if it’s from your friends or family members who are just trying to help and don’t understand where their information comes from. Always check the source of any new information before believing everything they say!

You can live in the digital world without worrying about your health

It’s true that many people spend a lot of time on their phones, tablets, or computers. But you can still live in the digital world without worrying about your health. You just need to be smart about it and use common sense. For example, if you want to protect yourself from online threats like viruses or identity theft, don’t open suspicious emails or attachments; always make sure that any website is secure before entering personal information (look for “https” at the beginning of its URL); don’t click on links sent by strangers; and keep all devices updated with antivirus software at all times.

By following these simple steps, you’ll be able to protect yourself from many potential dangers while enjoying all the benefits of living in today’s tech-driven world!


With all the technological advances in our world, it is easy to get caught up in the myths surrounding them. However, if you take a moment to think about each one of these misconceptions and their potential consequences, it will help you make better decisions about how much time and money should be invested into new devices or software programs.

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